Welcome to my blog!

Me on a good day

I would like to welcome you all to my new blog. This is my first blog so this will be messy at first so bare with me and it will get better, I promise.

This blog is going to be about me and my personal struggles with mental health, migraines, and anxiety. I want to let you know that I am not a health professional so whatever I say are just my opinions and thoughts, nothing is to be taken as medical advice. If something has worked for me, you are more than welcome to talk to your doctor ans see if it is something that will work for you, in fact I encourage you to discuss it with your doctor.

I have been struggling with migraines since I was just a kid, they got really bad when I was pregnant with my first child at the age of 16 and have only gotten worse from there. I have never had a brain scan done. Doctors only want to add medications to my daily life and being someone who trusted doctors and didn’t know any better, I just went with it. One day, I was up to a dozen or more pills a day and I could not hack it any more so I quit all my doctors and things seemed to get better for a time. Then it went down hill again. It is a daily struggle and I will get more in detail as time goes on, I will tell you more stories that I can remember on my migraines and what finally worked and what isn’t working. I’m still dealing with them and hopefully soon my new doctor will be able t o help me figure something out.

Depression is another struggle that I have been dealing with since I was a kid but didn’t realize until I was an adult and looked back to see the signs. It is amazing what you can see as an adult that you couldn’t see when you were a kid. I would get into these swaying motions while just sitting, even while hanging out with friends, and it felt like I was in a daze. I would just sway, everyone thought I was swaying to the music, we always listened to music. I bet you are wondering why would I be depressed if I had friends and music, well growing up the way I did it isn’t hard to be depressed; I will get more into that at a later time. I have been on numerous medications for this as well and some seem to work then my body gets used to the drug and I have to start over again with something new.

The anxiety is something that is fairly new to me. I don’t have much to say about this yet but I have a few stories I can talk about to tell you how I know that I have anxiety, and yes it has been diagnosed by a professional as well, not just by me. My most recent antidepressant is supposed help with the anxiety as well. I think that is the only thing it is helping though.

Any way, I will leave more for another day. I hope I can help some one with my stories to understand the struggles. I have been told that I am a great listener so if anyone wants to chat, just message me and maybe I can help you personally.

Please feel free to leave your comments if you have questions or tips. Thank you for reading my blog.
