A few days with a migraine

Migraines SUCK!

This has been a week that has not started out well. My weekend was a rough one and then on Monday I knew I was going to get a migraine. I could feel it coming on all day and sure enough when I got home from work, BAM, there it was. Full force, excruciating pain all on the left side of my head. It felt like my head was going to split open. My eyes were throbbing. I actually felt pain in my jaw, this was a new pain that I had never felt before with a migraine, something that I am going to tell my neurologist when I see him next. I literally felt the pain in my skull, in my bones. It hurt so bad. I took my handful of medications and laid down for a nap, slept for about 2 and a half hours and still not completely gone. And even went to bed early, still woke up with it lingering in the back of my head wanting to reemerge. I took another handful of meds to try to knock it out but to no avail. Today is Wednesday and it is still lingering. I might have my boss give me some acupuncture tomorrow to see if that will help me relax enough for this to go away. On top of all this, I’m not sleeping.

The beginning of the migraine.

So I seen a neurologist for the first time last week Tuesday. He seems like a nice guy and wants to help me out. He told me that one of the medications I’m on is one of the reasons I feel so loopy all the time, and I was thinking that is just great, I’ve been on this medication for over 3 years. This medication is Toparimate, he said they call it dopimate, meaning it makes people dopey. I completely understand his meaning because for the last few months, maybe a year, I have noticed that I can’t seem to remember things correctly, I can’t recall certain words for things ( I have to explain the meaning of the word before I can come up with the word), and I’m just in a fog all the time or so it seems. He said that if this handful of medication that he prescribed me does not do the trick on killing my migraines, then we are going to talk about doing an MRI. I might finally get some answers, hopefully.

I was really hoping that the new doctor was going to get me off all the medications and try something different but instead he just added more to my daily routine. On top of the migraine medications that he added, I was already on an antidepressant that at the moment I do not think is working. I need to talk to my other doctor about that and see what can be done about that.

I will leave more for another day
